How much does it cost to be a Goldmorr Licensed Company?

It is free!

Is training and certification required for the use of The Goldmorr System?

Yes, certification is required
to use The Goldmorr System. This ensures that users are properly trained in the effective and safe
application of Goldmorr products for mold remediation and air quality improvements, provided by
authorized Goldmorr trainers.

How much does it cost to be trained and certified to use The Goldmorr System in mold remediation?

It is free!

Where can I obtain mold training?

The Mold Training Course is a 2-session course. 1st session is on-demand, 2nd session is a live Zoom class approximately 3 hours long and is held at least once a month.  Sign up on the Get Your License Tab.

Do I have to pay to train current and new employees?

Unlimited certification training for the basic mold
training and use of the Goldmorr System is free of charge. There is a charge for our NEW specialized
training in the AIM (Airborne Indoor Mycotoxin) Removal Program introduced July 2024.

Where can I obtain the AIM Mycotoxin Removal Training?

Starting July 2024, Goldmorr is offering live
webinar training for the AIM (Airborne Indoor Mycotoxin) Removal Program. This specialized training,
featuring new protocols established by the founders of the Goldmorr System, is ex clusively available to
licensed Goldmorr companies. Sign up on the Mycotoxin Tab.

What is The Goldmorr System?

The Goldmorr System is a complete micro-cleaning product system designed to be used in conjunction with a professionally planned mold (or other contaminate) remediation project. There are three basic components:

  1. GM2000 - The ‘heart’ of the system. A ready to use (RTU) cleaning and fogging agent.

GM2000 is a true nano-colloidal product that acts (among other things) as a ‘super attractant’ to all types of indoor air particulates. It draws these contaminates from surfaces (ceilings, walls, furniture, etc) and out of the air onto the floor and other flat surfaces to allow (as needed) wiping and or HEPA vacuuming to ‘clear an environment’.

GM2000 is also a fantastic content cleaner/restorer for mold-stained furnishings, artwork, clothes, shoes, etc. 2000 is distributed throughout the built environment via a ULV micro-misting fogging machine.

  1. GM6000 - Concentrate - The original ‘powerhouse’ of mold stain removal from non-compromised structural materials such as drywall, wood sheathing, joists, studs, sill plates, & grout. 6000 is also very effective on building exteriors, gutters, siding, brick, boat & camper shells/hulls. In other words, virtually any surface or material!


  1. GMThermo - A heat based (thermal) fogging solution (RTU) is designed for air treatment on larger projects, crawlspaces, attics, commercial buildings, etc. A heat activated product, Thermo can be dispersed via an inexpensive electric fogger or a larger gas-powered machine. The choice for large cavities because it fills space efficiently and remains in suspension for a longer period of time, insuring an effective remediation. (Also, very good at removing smoke odor!)


2020HA – An all-purpose, low VOC cleaning product. Can be used for those customers who have chemical sensitivities. It is safe on both hard and soft surfaces.  It can be used as a pre-spray for upholstery and carpet cleaning, and as a fogging treatment.  It is non-corrosive and safe for use in food preparation areas.  This product cleans mold and mycotoxins when used with the patented mycotoxin protocols.

How does it work?

Goldmorr is the only true nano-colloidal cleaning system available today. Other
products on the market for our industry as well as most other industries are based upon water as a ‘universal
solvent’. A water molecule is very tiny (.0001um or 1/ten thousandth of a micron). This is what almost every
chemist working in the lab today uses as a reference point.
A Goldmorr nano-colloidal particle is a vastly different thing. Operating at a scale that is (.000,000,001um or
1/1 billionth of a micron) allows our products to ‘micro-clean’ in a way that no other product can even begin
to approach!
What this means to the cleaner/restorer is that direct application of the product system on surfaces allows for
a very concentrated penetration of the products for a more thorough cleaning and the complete removal of
the staining and or odor affecting an object or surface.

Is the Goldmorr System an EPA Registered Pesticide?

 Absolutely not! Goldmorr products are categorized
as cleaning products which make no ‘kill claims’. They do not function as a pesticide. By definition, The
Goldmorr System is a cleaning system and, as such, does not require Pesticide Registration with the EPA.
Goldmorr believes that applying potentially dangerous Industrial Strength Chemical Pesticides into any type of
‘built environment’, especially a home, is inherently dangerous.

Is Goldmorr a ‘Stand Alone System’?

While Goldmorr can be used by itself in situations where there is
smoke odor contamination or mold-stained contents, the System is meant to be used as an additional ‘tool’
within a comprehensive, well planned out remediation protocol.

What is the Goldmorr Advantage?

Goldmorr is a ‘force multiplier’ when used correctly. It allows a great
deal of work to be accomplished by a smaller workforce. For example: If you use ice/media blasting to perform
mold remediation in a 2500 square foot crawlspace or attic, you will probably need a minimum of three to
four workers and 3-4 1/2 days to complete a successful remediation. This means that you would have these
workers committed to one project for an extensive period of time. Based on typical profit margins you would
probably realize a 20 – 35% profit margin on this project. Now, if you were using the Goldmorr System, you
could complete the same project in 1 day with 2 workers. Assuming that you price the job at the same dollar
amount, imagine what your profit margin is now! 65-80% or more! Now add the ability for that same work
crew to complete a similar job every working day of the week!

Can I pass a Clearance Test?

Goldmorr has been sold in the US since 2006 and has successfully remediated
many tens of thousands of mold projects. Hygienists across North America have tested behind 1000’s upon
1000’s of jobs and passed them with flying colors. The truth is, using Goldmorr as a part of their remediation
process has allowed many of the Certified Goldmorr Companies to experience exceptional results time and
time again.

Do you have anyone who validates your system?

 The IICRC has certified our mold remediation training
course for CEC’s towards your Certifications. Also, the ARMR pollution coverage insurance underwriters now
write policies exclusive for Goldmorr Certified Companies. (Ask for more details)

If I become a Certified Company, am I in danger of having my market ‘saturated’ with other restorers using Goldmorr too?

NO! Having a background in the Restoration Industry ourselves, we know what it is like
to ‘train your competition’ by watching people you have taught our profession to open up a competing
business and go after your customer base. For this and other reasons, we limit the number of Certified
Companies in a population center & we only allow the ‘Master Technician’ (this is you the business owner) to
purchase product from us. We will work very hard to protect your market area and assist you in growing your
presence there.

Why can’t I just call and order products?

The Goldmorr System is a unique, one-of-a-kind process. While
its use is not rocket science, successful implementation into your current remediation practices requires
detailed discussion and hands on demonstrations in various scenarios for the most rapid and effective

How many cubic feet of coverage can you get with GM2000?

There’s a lot of variables that play into how
much coverage you can get on GM2000, especially depending on the type of fogger and how rich the
technician is running it or how much they’re filling the rooms with. That being said, we recently completed a
2,500 SF structure, or 20,000 cubic feet, and my tech used approximately 1/3 of a gallon. So, you should be
able to get approximately 60,000+ cubic feet of coverage per gallon.

What is the shelf life of Goldmorr products?

All Goldmorr products have a 2-year shelf life when stored
in their original, sealed containers under appropriate conditions. However, please note that the GM6000 stain
remover is sold as a concentrate and must be mixed with sodium hypochlorite or a non-EPA registered bleach
solution before use. Since bleach degrades rapidly, we recommend mixing only the amount needed for the job
at the time of use to ensure maximum effectiveness.