become a licensed goldmorr member
Goldmorr's patented products and testing are only available to trained and licensed companies.
the benefits of a franchise without the cost!
Get your FREE Goldmorr Company License today and grow your profits using our proprietary system in your restoration business.
Company Owners: Fill out the Free Goldmorr Company Member License form.
All Company Staff can Register for our Free Mold Remediation Training Course. Click below for class details and to register for training.
See information regarding our Specialized Mycotoxin Training Course.
what's included in the goldmorr license?

Industry Leading Products
- The Goldmorr product line continues to be on the cutting edge of technology, influencing our industry and providing effective solutions backed by science and testing.
- As a Goldmorr Company, you will have access to 21st Global’s complete suite of industry-leading products as they become available

Ongoing Free Mold Training
- How to use and get the most out of the Goldmorr System for mold remediation.
- Training for entire staff & new employees
- Monthly trainings available

Specialized Mycotoxin Training
- Access to proprietary products
- Access to patented testing
- Access to patented protocols

Proprietary Air Quality Testing
- Exclusive access to patented reporting system
- Provide real-time results for customer
- Based on standards by International Standards Organization (ISO) and supported by World Health Organization (WHO)

Marketing Materials
- Access to photos & reports to use in your own advertising
- Access to brochures with your company logo
- Access to customer-friendly educational documents

Additional Revenue Streams
- Content Cleaning
- Auto Detailing
- Nicotine & Trauma Odor Removal
- Property Management